This is Why Fighting for your Limitations is Holding you Back

Let me ask you. Have you ever found yourself facing an opportunity?

Maybe a new business idea, a creative project, or perhaps a great strategy shared with you that could lead to the success you've been looking for?

But… your first instinct was to argue why it wouldn’t work?

You find yourself going into ‘reasons’ like, ‘I've tried this before, and it failed,’ or ‘It's just not my thing.’

I know those reasons may feel true to you. They seem like valid concerns. But what if… what if… instead of reasons, they're really just excuses holding you back from something extraordinary?

This is something my mentor shared many years ago. He spoke about how we often fight so hard for our limitations, then wonder why we feel stuck.

Here’s the thing. When you argue for your limitations, you get to keep them!

Yes, that’s right. You wrap yourself up in comfortable justifications that feel safe but are ultimately keeping you small.

When you tell yourself things like, ‘I’m just not good with money,’ or ‘People like me don't succeed in that kind of environment,’ you’re building a wall brick by brick.

And the thing is, once you've built that wall, it keeps you trapped in the same cycle. You end up creating the same limited experiences over and over again, thinking it’s just how life is.

But it’s not how life has to be.

You have this magical ability as a cosmic being to create something new. Even when everything around you seems stuck. If you keep creating from your current circumstances, focused on what's not possible, you’ll keep getting the same results.

It's like expecting a different outcome while repeating the exact same action over and over. That’s a recipe for frustration and hopelessness.

Instead, what if you opened yourself up to possibility? What if you approached each opportunity, not with a defensive stance, but with joyful curiosity?

Imagine seeing that new business venture, not as ‘another failure waiting to happen,’ but as an experiment. A playground for your potential.

When you argue for why you can’t do something, you’re shutting down the flow of creativity that’s naturally within you. You’re stopping yourself before you even begin.

Here’s the truth: If you’re feeling trapped right now, it’s possible—no, it’s probable that on some level, you've created this. And because you created it, you can also choose again.

That’s the power you have. You can choose curiosity instead of certainty. You can choose to be open instead of arguing for why it won't work.

So, next time you find yourself ready to fight for your limitations; pause. Breathe. Ask yourself, "What if this could work?" What if there’s something here that I've yet to consider?

When you open yourself up to possibility, you start to create from a place of unlimited possibilities, and that’s where magic happens.

The more you lean into the unknown, the more the universe seems to expand in your favour.

Be open, stay curious, and remain available to life's magical opportunities.


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