The World Needs You!

Something my coach and mentor at the end of our group coaching calls always reminds us is that we live in a tremulous world; and the world needs you.

Clearly, now more than ever, his words ring loud and clear.

It's evident there's an overwhelming amount of pain, suffering, and injustice in our world. I also get the sense that some people think that being aware and acknowledging these conditions somehow makes them less 'spiritual'.

I mean Jesus, Mother Teresa, Gandhi, Muhammad and other powerful spiritual leaders of our past did not deny the existence of human suffering.

For me, looking into the discomforts has shown me just how important my work is and how my voice is needed now more than ever. I can look at the pain, suffering, and injustice while allowing it to NOT live within me.

That's an important thing to remember. To not be overcome by anger and pain.

In a recent email from Mindvalley promoting Founder Vishen Lakhiani's upcoming book, The Buddha and the Baddass he shared the following quote from Martin Luther King Jr. "Power without love is reckless and abusive, and love without power is sentimental and anemic.

Power at its best is love implementing the demands of justice, and justice at its best is power correcting everything that stands against love.”

I sat with that quote for a bit. I then thought about many people who chose to remain silent in face of glaring issues in our world.

Some were silent because they didn't want to put their attention on something negative or because they didn't know what to say.

But the truth is, you can be a spiritual master/teacher/leader AND be a change maker. They are not mutually exclusive. Quite the opposite. I mean the spiritual leaders of the past; some of whom I just mentioned CLEARLY were great change makers!

Here's the thing, spiritual leaders of the past were not passive nor did they remain silent ignoring issues in their current environment. They acknowledged the issues and used it as catalyst for change. Using their voice did not make them any less spiritual.

I'm grateful for so many people over the last several days that chose to rise up and use their platform to stand for change. They showed up despite fears and the discomfort that it may have caused.

I recognize that the issues we face will not change overnight, but small daily actions can have powerful results. Small steps that disrupt the old BS model and narrative that keeps us from evolving to higher consciousness.

I believe that one of the ways we can change the world is by more heart-centered people stepping into their power and serving humanity in their own unique way. It requires you to live from your heart and soul.

Stop hiding behind your doubts, fear, and discomfort.

The fact that you're here reading this email tells me you want to make an impact. You have an urge to create something meaningful in your life, business, and/or career and you want to serve humanity in a big way.

As hard as 2020 may be for many people, it has given us a clear vision (pun intended) of the work that’s needed to heal the world. It has smacked us awake.

You can CHOOSE to go back to sleep staying ignorant of the work that’s calling. Or you can answer the call to become a spiritual change maker.

The world needs more heart-centered and conscious people building businesses, starting positive movements, using their voice, and making an impact. 

We start to build a new and better model of reality where love, justice, respect, equality, and wellbeing reins.

We’re being called.

Will you step up and answer the call?


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