Stop Powering your way and let Spirit Support you!

I was having a conversation with one of my sisters about our Corporate Wellness business and the growth we've had over the last couple of years.

We spoke about how hard she's worked and pushed in the last month to make things happen, both in our wellness business and other initiatives she is working on.

It led to a discussion on how there is another way of working on our business and goals that includes becoming more aligned and allowing intuitive support in order to avoid the big drain that comes with being an entrepreneur.

There are times when I felt I needed to push and depend on myself to make things happen.

Yes, to attain anything worthwhile, we need to work hard, be persistent and strive, but there's also another version where we rely on intuitive support and allow ourselves to be in the flow.

It means we start our day in meditation or with a prayer asking God/Universe/Source (enter whatever term fits with your spiritual practice) to lead the way and guide us. Now I'm not saying that you sit on a meditation pillow all day and think that you can meditate your way to success; not at all.

However, I've personally found that the days when I've had the most success and opportunities open up to me both in business and personal are when I felt in the flow. The days I've felt the most guided, are the days when I stayed true and committed to my spiritual practice.

Days when I see that things are not working as I've planned, and when I come across resistance, are the times when I know I must reconnect. I think it was Gabrielle Bernstein that said "breath is home base" and I truly believe this.

There are times, when we feel overwhelmed with upcoming deadlines that we cannot see our way through. That is when we must stop and take a deep long breathe. This simple practice is so important because it helps to bring calmness.

For me, I know when I am anxious I take short shallow breaths. This little breath practice allows me to get calm, relax and then be able to tackle whatever I must with a clearer head.

How else can we incorporate spiritual guidance in our work and business? We can say a silent prayer before heading into an important meeting or presentation. It is asking to be of highest service to those that we report to and to our customers.

It is in dealing with a difficult colleague, customer or boss, by asking Universe/God to show us how to love this and the lesson that we must learn in this situation. It is also by visualizing and intending what kind of day we would love to have, first thing when we get up and give thanks to the amazing day that is upon us!

It is truly amazing how things start to flow. Our work, business and life becomes less draining because we are using Spirit as our personal advisor and assistant, rather than trying to power our way through it.


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