I'm hurting...but here's what I'm doing about it.

I came to my computer to send an email to remind you about my birthday special for my Mind Money Miracles and Business Success Bootcamp program that I'm currently running that ends this Sunday. But I have to tell you, the last couple of days have left me numb and shaken.

I spent last weekend celebrating my little man’s birthday, having fun with family and friends, totally oblivious of what was happening in Charlottesville, Virginia.

As Monday came around, I then learnt what took place. Honestly, I couldn’t put into words how I felt. And I still can’t.

It feels like we’re living in times of great despair and uncertainties. The very things that people fought and gave up their lives to change, seems to be in vain. I honestly cannot believe the amount of hatred and evil I see online, which I try to avoid, as to not allow it into my consciousness.

However, I do feel it’s important to have dialogue about these events. To highlight that these situations and people exist!  Because if we can recognize its existence, then we can look for ways to solve it, and see in what ways we can help.

Although these times are scary and can often lead to feelings of hopelessness, I do feel that it offers a great opportunity for hope and healing. See the thing is, for things to change; we must first identify the areas that need changing.

The environment as awful as it may be, it showing us areas we need to wake up to in order to move to a better place globally. It’s highlighting areas that need healing and attention. I know this is easier said than done, and I too struggle with seeing it from this perspective.

As I write these words, there’s a part of me that is fearful. As a mom of young kids, who were the catalyst that made me commit to the path of empowering others even more, I feel like we’re going back in time. At times like this, this work feels like an insurmountable mountain. 

Although, I had bouts of these feelings, they do not linger. I don’t live in that space. I really can’t because there is work to do. A lot of work! And it’s not my work to do alone, but one that YOU must join me in. It’s a global effort to save humanity.

How do we do this work? 

Honestly, I don’t have the answers. But for me, I’m starting with calling out injustice when I see it. When I hear someone speak in ways that is showing hate, I will gently speak up regardless of how uncomfortable it may make the situation. Maybe it will cause that person to think and speak differently next time. 

When I see hate come across my newsfeed, I will pray. I will picture a great ball of light coming from within me and spreading out across the world touching every living thing in it. I will picture that light filling all living things with love, compassion, and peace. And then I will pray for peace. 

I will look for ways to reach out to people in my community (physically and globally) that need my support. I will share my work in a greater way because I know it has a great impact, serves, and inspires others to live the highest versions of them.

I will also support and continue to empower others so they too can see their power.  To help them find their voice. To speak for those that cannot speak for themselves. 

Is this enough? 

I don’t know. But it’s a start. And that’s all I can do is start and take action to get through feelings of anger and helplessness. 

I’m sure like me, you’re hurting. The world is hurting. The only thing I know to offer you, my beloved member of my community is my love, prayer, and gratitude. And hope that it will be enough for today… if only for today.


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