How I was Lying to Myself

How I was Lying to Myself

Wow, can you believe that tomorrow is March 1st? Two months down and we now enter into the last month of the first quarter of the year!

So with that, I want to do a little check in with you today.

You’ve probably heard me mention my mentor Jim, and something he often says is,

‘How you do one thing is how you do everything’.

I have to admit, it kinda stung when I first heard him say this. I had to check in and get REAL honest with myself.

I started to see areas where I was lying to myself and was not fully committed, nor was I showing up 100%. And if how I did one thing was how I did everything, then where else in my life was I not fully committed and not showing up?

That reflection was a slap in the face for me. As I sat with that question, the awareness of where I was not showing up and not fully committed lit up like bright lights in Vegas... (not like I've ever been to Vagas lol).

Even though I felt like I was showing up in my business and with my family, it was evident I was not.

It was such a beautiful and honest awareness for me.

Here's the thing, in order for us to transform anything, we first need to recognize and become aware of them. It’s not about shame or blame, only awareness.

So, let me turn to you… Are you showing up for your goals and dreams?

The fact that you’re in my community reading this, tells me you’re someone who desires to make an impact through your gifts. You want to create more wealth, impact, and freedom. How have you been showing up to make this happen?

Have you….

  • Written out your goals and been integral to the actions you said you’d take?
  • Been visible, sharing your products and services to those that need it?
  • Moved your body daily to feel more alive and vital?
  • Taken the weekend off (or any other day) to be fully present with your family?
  • Launched that passion project that you feel can help others and make you money?

I know you have great gifts and a burning desire to make a great impact, but yet you hold back. What’s it costing you to not show up? What are the consequences of not taking action both personally and professionally towards your goals?

Again, this is all about awareness!

I invite you to take inventory of the past two months and see how you’ve shown up for your intentions and commitments.

Remember, there are people waiting for you to serve them.

It’s time to step up and show up!


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