What if your Source of abundance isn’t what you think

What if your Source of abundance isn’t what you think?

As we go deeper into this New Year, I felt called to share a powerful insight that’s been a total game-changer in my life.

It’s something I frequently discuss in my talks and writing because it’s just that important, and I know it has the potential to shift everything for you, too.

Here it is…We often mistake the channels of our abundance, wealth, and prosperity for the actual Source.

Take a moment and think about this. How many times have you stressed over something that didn’t go as planned in your business, career, or investments? 

Maybe you were passed over for a promotion, lost a job/client, or didn’t hit your sales goals. 

When setbacks like these happen, we tend to spiral into anxiety and despair, convinced that this one area—this one channel—was the ultimate source of our livelihood.

Spoiler alert! It’s not!

This was a profound realization for me when I was first introduced to it by one of my favourite teachers, Marilyn Jenett, creator of the Feel Free to Prosper program. 

Marilyn’s teachings hit me like a lightning bolt. I saw all the ways I was mistaking my channels of money supply for the actual source.

Here’s the truth…the true Source of your abundance isn’t any single job, client, or opportunity. 

It’s something far greater!

Call it God, Universe, Higher Power, Infinite Intelligence, or whatever resonates with you. 

The channels?

They’re just that—channels. And when one dries up or temporarily closes, guess what? There are countless other channels ready and waiting to flow abundance into your life.

Marilyn explains this beautifully with the example of a kitchen faucet. Imagine the faucet represents one way/channel to get water. If it breaks or stops working, you don’t sit there in despair, thinking you'll never get water again. 


You simply go to another faucet in the house. 


Because you know the faucet isn’t the source of the water—it’s just one delivery method. The water comes from a much larger source.

So, when an expected money opportunity doesn’t work out for you, I invite you to see it simply to mean the Universe is redirecting you to something better.

Don’t obsess over what was lost, but open yourself up to new possibilities.

That's the key here. When you cling to what’s not working, you block the flow of abundance. But when you let go and trust, you create space for even greater opportunities to appear.

Now, I’m not saying this is easy. I totally still struggle with this at times, because let’s be real, we’ve been conditioned to believe that one closed door is the end of the road. 

But when you shift your focus to the true Source of your abundance—a Source that’s infinite and always available—everything changes!

So, here’s my invitation to you: The next time something doesn’t go as planned, pause. Take a deep breath. Remind yourself that your Source is unlimited. 

Affirm that the Universe/God is always working in your favour, with infinite channels ready to deliver what you need.

Then, get out of your own way. Release resistance and let those opportunities flow.

This isn’t just a mindset shift—it’s a life shift. When you trust in the abundance that’s always available to you, you’ll be amazed at how things start to align. 

Let this be your mantra for the year ahead: The Source of my abundance is infinite, and I am open to receiving from every possible channel.

And so it is!

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