Wholesale Academy 

The ONLY online program dedicated to helping you scale and grow your business through wholesale!


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Going wholesale is one of the best ways to scale your product-based business. Yet, this is an area many people struggle with, as it can be a confusing process. Knowing exactly how to prepare to get your products into wholesale and what Buyers are looking for can be foreign to many product based business owners.

This does not have to be the case!


If you’ve landed on this page, chances are…

  • You have a great product that you’re passionate about, yet you worry and question if your products are market ready
  • You dream about seeing your products on store shelves, and people happily buying your goods, but secretly you doubt your ability to succeed at wholesale
  • You may have invested a ton of money and time into building your business and perfecting your products, but you’ve yet to see the return on your investment
  • Maybe you landed some small accounts, but you need ways to maximize sales and make your products stand out


I get it. Being a creator or maker takes a lot of time and energy. You want to share your products and expand your reach and you know getting them into stores will be HUGE for your business…but you just don’t know how and what to expect and how you should approach the process.

This is why I created my Wholesale Academy Program!

Wholesale Academy takes the confusion, frustration and overwhelm out of wholesaling for product-based business owners, so you can get IN and SUCCEED in retail stores.


Karen McIntosh
LUBU Makeup

“I had no hesitations signing up for Wholesale Academy because I knew Uchechi was the best woman to take this program from. She is very knowledgeable and informative. Through the program I learnt how to navigate through the wholesale world , how to present (to stores) and so much more.

My favourite part of the program is listening to all the information, watching the guests and knowing I wasn’t alone. I am more confident in what I'm talking about when it comes to wholesale. I would 100% recommend Wholesale Academy to other businesses. I learned so much from the program, and I know so many people would benefit from it.”

How would your business change if you…

  • Doubled or even tripled your sales by selling your products in stores
  • Had direct contact with a former Buyer who knew exactly what was needed in order to have stores carry your products
  • Knew how to pitch your products with full confidence
  • Finally create your presentation forms and sell sheets, based on what Buyers need
  • Uncover ways to get in front of Buyers and shop owners
  • Learn promotional strategies that stores want, and ones that’ll make your product stand out from your competitors (this is what large manufacturers are doing, and now you can learn their strategies too!)


This program will show you how!

I’m so passionate about helping you finally take the guess work out of what is needed to succeed at wholesale.

As a former Sr. Category Manager/Buyer at a large retailer with 1000 stores across Canada, I’ve seen it all! I’ve had many small businesses pitch me their products, and although many had great products, I felt they did not have what it took to succeed in stores. I knew it would be a huge learning curve for them, and quite frankly as a Buyer, I was way too busy to teach them this. I needed them to be better prepared.

This is why I’m excited to give you inside access into the world of what Category Managers and Buyers need to say YES to your products!

Trust me, you will NOT get this type of information in any other program. This program takes my 10+ years as a Sr. Category Manager, and everything I’ve learnt in my former role. I’ll show you the strategies and tactics that large companies use, to get stores to carry their products. And no, you don’t need a HUGE marketing budget to do this. You can most definitely use the same strategies starting where you’re at.

Jackie Brown
Jackie Brown Books & Outfox Magazine

“Uchechi has a reputation for delivering value. This is the fourth time I have invested in a course by Uchechi and I signed up (for Wholesale Academy) with no hesitation. Uchechi is highly experienced in placing wholesale products in retail channels. Her passion really comes through and she clearly wants to see each of her students succeed. Her retail connections, some of whom she brings on as guest speakers, add additional value to this course. Highly recommended.”

Program Details

☑  Module 1 – Wholesale Readiness
This module will teach you how to stand out to Buyers and store owners. You’ll learn how to prepare your products in in order to pitch to stores. You’ll also learn what is required in order to be considered by stores. This will save you a lot of time and money and helps you get started, the right way!

   Module 2 – Presentation Forms

Presentation forms or sales deck is not like your typical product brochures. I’ve had hundreds of presentation forms come across my desk and I can tell you, the way you present your products is important as it is your introduction to stores. This module will teach you the elements of a presentation package, and show you how to create one for your own products. PLUS, you’ll be provided with templates that you can customized to fit your products and business.

   Module 3 – Easy ways to find the right contact for your Products

No more struggling to find the right contact for your products. In this module, you’ll learn how to find the right person to pitch your product too. You’ll also get sample letters to use, to introduce your products and how to make your products stand out from your competition. I’ll also show you non-traditional unexpected channels that can lead to incremental sales!

   Module 4 – Promotion Planning

Retail promotional planning is something that is missed by many small businesses looking to get into stores. This information is not available from any other course programs out there. In this module, you’ll learn how major manufactures use promotional planning as a way to entice Buyers and stores to say YES to their products and how you can too!

   Module 5 – Wholesale through Amazon

It’s time to get your products on the biggest online platform. Selling on Amazon has the ability to make you more money than selling in traditional stores, plus less fees and work. This module will show you how to leverage the powerhouse of Amazon in order to drive sales and profitability for your products.

 ☑  Special Expert Guests Replay

Learn from a current Buyer in the industry where they’ll share trends happening in retail stores, plus additional information and feedback on how you can succeed at retail.

Lisa Philpot
Daisy Candles Company

“Wholesale Academy is a wonderful resource for any business owner. Whether you have been in business for a few years or just getting started, Uchechi provides valuable information to help grow your business and create additional revenue sources. An invaluable experience.”

What to Expect

 Clarity and confidence on how to best position your products to increase your chances of getting carried in retail stores

Self-paced modules of wholesale principals/strategies to help you scale into wholesale

☑ Guest expert training from retail buyers and executives
Full bonus library to help you scale your products faster and easier


As if all this training isn’t enough, you’ll also get access to three incredible bonus training!


Branding 101

Learn how to brand your products in order to distinguish yourself from your competitors and build a loyal tribe who not only buy, but promote your products. This helps entice stores to want to carry your products, and leads to more money!

($199 VALUE)


UPC Training

Learn how to create UPCs for your products that will be acceptable to stores worldwide. This does not have to be a complicated process. You’ll be shown the steps, plus associated costs and resources to creating proper and acceptable UPCs.

($49 VALUE)


Multiple Income Creation Workshop

Learn different ways of adding incremental income to your business. I’ll show you obvious and popular methods to build wealth, plus other strategies that may be unique to your business. Click to learn more!

($40 VALUE)