Business Forecasting and Planning
Financials is an area that many entrepreneurs ignore in their business...
...but is actually instrumental to your success.
If you have a business and want to go beyond 'hobby' then it's time to PLAN and TRACK your sales.
This is the perfect time to review your sales and create a plan to attract the right people into your business, who you can serve and help with your products and services.
Planning this way helps you be more strategic (one of the pillars of my methodology) and ensures you build a profitable business that not only sustains your everyday needs, but also helps you think of new, fun and innovative ways to grow your sales and wealth.
In this course, you will learn how to allocate your product offerings across your sales goals. PLUS understanding how many units are needed to hit those sales targets (you'll come to see the numbers are so much more attainable than you thought).
You will also be provided a one-year sales projections template to use for your own business and create a strategic sales target, and my very own 3-hour Multiple Income Workshop as a bonus content for you in this program.
If you have a business and want to go beyond 'hobby' then it's time to plan and track your sales!
Got questions? Email our team at [email protected].

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For a price of just $111/yr you’ll get access to THIS COURSE plus 29 ADDITIONAL masterclass training inside Dream Life + Business Membership.
Not only that!
But you’ll also get monthly coaching calls to help set your mind for wealth and success!
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