The Truth About Starting a Business That No One Tells You

I remember when I first started my online business.

I had this grand idea that all I needed to do was create a great course, unleash it to the world and all this cash would come rushing in.


Boy, was I ever wrong!

I remember checking my email obsessively. Looking for those PayPal notifications announcing new sales rolling in…

Not so much!

I was frustrated at not making the kind of money I saw others making online.

I couldn’t help feeling that something was wrong with me.

The thing was, I struggled to accept the time it needed for my business to start making real money - this ‘gestation period’ when my business was still in its early stages and hasn't started making real money yet.

Something all businesses go through.

After doing this work for over a decade, I've come to understand how the online space works and what it takes to be successful.

Looking back, I wish someone had told me about the importance of embracing the 'gestation period'.

This stage and season of our business is totally normal and if this is you right now, that’s okay!

It’s actually an important part of building your business.

It’s an opportunity to lay the groundwork for the success of your business.

A time to research your market, perfect your product(s) or service(s), build relationships with potential customers and partners, and get real clear on the type of business you want to build.

You may see others in your industry seeming like they’re crushing it!

You wonder why your own business isn't progressing nor growing as quickly. Leading to feelings of anxiety, overwhelm, frustration and jealousy!

Comparing yourself to others is counterproductive and leads to negative feelings that hinders your progress.

I invite you in these moments to focus on your own progress and celebrate small victories along the way.

Building a successful business takes time, effort, and patience.

You'll get there eventually!


Remember: That overnight success was YEARS in the making.


Give yourself space and grace.

I know it can feel like a 24/7 job.

Have compassion and care for your journey.

You’re doing the best you can!

Take the breaks you need to avoid burnout.

Spend time with friends and family, and do activities that bring you joy and relaxation.

All of this helps in your journey, and aligns you with the energy of success you need to build your business.

The gestation period is part of the journey to building your dream business.

Don't let frustration, jealousy, or anxiety get in the way of your progress.

Keep pushing forward, and you'll get there!

I’ll be here cheering you on!


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