Let's Celebrate Moms
No matter what this day may bring to you, I hope you find space for love and joy.
This day can bring up different emotions for people and in light of the world continuing to being in isolation in some areas; this Mother’s Day may be a different experience again, than we’re used to.
As a mom, I’m grateful to take this day in gratitude for my family, but also to use this day to celebrate me! I think we don’t give ourselves enough credit for all that we do for not just for our families, but others.
I'm using this day to appreciate and honour myself, and receive the love and energy around me.
I’m also using this time to commit to doing more of what fills me up and to say no to the things that don’t.
I wish you a beautiful day and if you’re a mom I celebrate you. Whether you gave birth, adopted, step mom, foster mom, mom figure, fur mom, you are to be honoured for all the love and care you give.
And for those missing their moms, I send you love and strength and hope you feel the love that’s around you and take comfort in loving sweet memories.
I appreciate you. I love you.
Happy Mother’s Day!
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