Just Because You Can’t See Proof, Doesn’t Mean Nothing Is Happening!

Since studying Universal Laws, one of the things I’ve come to understand is the importance of having faith in the unseen...

This is an area so many people get tripped up over when it comes to manifesting and achieving their goals.

You set an intention, go to work on making it happen. You show up, thinking the right thoughts to re-program your mind.

However, because you don’t see the physical manifestation of your goals, you assume nothing is happening... that the work you're doing has no impact.

Here’s the thing to remember during this ‘gestation’ period...

Because you have a desire, means you already have the power to manifest it. There’s a solution already available in order for you to bring it about.

What starts to happen is... as you have your desire(s) and start to align your thoughts and feelings to it, you ignite a whole chain reaction of events and ‘coincidences’ to help you reach your goals.

People and opportunities start to line up and become available to you.

But realize this: your current circumstances have been the result of your old way of being.

So whatever results you find yourself currently experiencing was caused by your past thinking and feelings. This is the law of cause and effect.

There is a cause (thinking, feelings, actions) to the effects and results you’re currently experiencing.

As you embark on changing the cause (again your thoughts, feelings and actions), new results you wish to achieve starts making it’s way to you in the unseen realm, as you’re experiencing current conditions based on your past beliefs.

Most times though, because you don’t see the physical manifestation even though you’re doing the work diligently, you end up feeling frustrated and stuck. Thinking that nothing is happening and your dreams are not transpiring.

When all along, the Universe is orchestrating all the wonderful events, people and opportunities to send into your life to bring it about.

Stay consistent in your practice until your new thoughts and feelings dominate your old ones.

You'll then begin to see solutions to your problems, and opportunities to manifest your dreams come into your awareness.

Sometime, it’s opportunities that've been there all along, yet you didn't recognize it. Other times, it's new opportunities that are attracted to you because you're now a vibrational match to it (law of vibration).

Once your new empowered way of being dominates your old ways, you begin to see physical manifestations of your desire(s).

So wherever you are in your manifestation process, commit to having faith in the unseen.

Make the decision to be happy and full of love and trust the process no.matter.what!

Yes, that means you’ll need to let go the need to control every aspect of how your goals will come about.

I’ve written a lot about letting go and surrendering which is a huge part of he manifestation process.

Commit to your happiness and peace of mind.

Don't let your current circumstances dictate your future results.

I know this is easier said than done, and I definitely find myself caught up in this at times.

In those moments, I remind myself to surrender to Spirit, trust the process and don't doubt the unfolding of my goals and dreams.

This is my reminder for you this week...

Show up.

Do the work.

Trust the process and in the unseen.

You're doing amazing!


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