It's Time to Dream Bigger
Let me ask you… how big do you dare to dream?
How much are you able to expand your vision beyond your current circumstance?
Now, you may land on one of two sides.
One, where you say ‘Heck yes! I’m a big dreamer!’
Or the other side of, ‘Geez Uchechi, I have no idea what my next step is, let alone what my big dream is.’
You’re not alone.
Even if you fall somewhere in between, chances are you have yet to truly allow yourself to dream big.
Truth be told, many of us don't.
I realized over the last couple of weeks how small I’ve been playing.
This was a surprise to me because I’m someone who thinks of herself as having big visions for my life and business. I mean people always ask me how I’m able to accomplish everything I’ve done.
However, as I sat at a roundtable in Ottawa (Canada’s capital city, for my non-Canadians), and was surrounded by amazing black business leaders across Canada, I realized how much bigger my vision could be.
Although, in the past few years I’ve had great growth in my business, I know I’ve been holding back. I reasoned that my kids are small and that I did not want to travel, plus I wanted to push others out front that I was supporting.
I’ve come to realize though, that all of that was made up stories in my head. Excuses I was telling myself in order to remain small and not risk going past a certain set point. Although this was unconscious to me, I now realize there are so many ways I can play a bigger role in my life and business.
This realization has ignited my fire. To be honest, it’s not necessarily about having bigger growth in my business and increased recognition. What I’ve come to understand is that the bigger I dream and accomplish, the more impact I get to make on my family, community, and the world.
I know when I’m living my purpose and passion, I automatically become a mirror that others can see a reflection of what’s possible for them. I also know the more I rise, the higher I'm able to lift others as I climb. The more impact I make, the greater my contribution.
This is what we can do for others. We can be a powerful example of infinite possibilities. But it starts with us. It starts with dropping the excuses we tell ourselves.
If we want to serve in a big way, then we need to step out of mediocrity and show up.
It’s time to dream bigger!
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