It does not need to be perfect. It just needs to be shared.

So it’s officially here! I finally launched My Empowered Living TV!

This is something I've wanted to do for so long, but found myself procrastinating and making up all kinds of excuses why I was not ready and why it was not the right time to launch. 

I made sure I held myself accountable by announcing it last week in my weekly written blog to make sure I actually did it!

Yes, I know there’s so much room to improve in this video, and that’s ok! I had to start somewhere and this is it.

This first video launch is also a perfect segue for the theme of this week’s post:

"It does not need to be perfect. It just needs to be shared."

This quote was said by Communication Stylist - Nikki Elledge Brown and it hit home for me, and gave me that final push to stop trying to get it perfect and just do it!

In this video, I share my story of finally getting this video out, in addition to why you just need to get started now and stop waiting for things to be 'perfect'.

After you finish watching below, let me know what you think in the comments below. What will you do this week to share your message or work even though you do not feel ready? Next, commit this week to really sharing it, because someone is waiting for your message and your work!

With Love & Gratitude.



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