Critical Questions for Every Entrepreneur
Can you believe we're in August already?
Seriously, the year is flying by and if you're like most people, you started the year with big goals and dreams.
You may be working diligently now to make them happen.
As you do this work, I want you to remind you of a few important considerations that can significantly impact your success.
The first is clarity. Are you clear on what you're working towards?
I know this sounds obvious, but I come across many entrepreneurs and when I ask them what their dream business looks like, they're unable to clearly answer nor define it.
So, let's dig into this for you. It's time to get clear on...
- your business and the offers that you're creating
- the type of business you want to build
- the type of people you want to serve, and
- the type of lifestyle you want to create for your business
Remember, clarity gives your dreams and goals power. You'll now know the opportunities that can lead you there.
Next, when you think about this dream business and life, ask yourself, does my identity match with my vision?
Does your identity, the way you see yourself, your concept of yourself, does it match that dream scenario?
Would the person you are now, be the person living this dream?
Get honest.
If your identity doesn't align with the vision, then it's going to feel like a struggle to reach your goals and dreams.
And even if you manage to achieve them, it'll be hard to maintain in the long term.
So, take some time to think about your identity and whether it truly reflects the goals and dreams you have for your business.
By aligning your identity with your vision, you unlock your full potential. You step confidently into the person who takes the action and makes the decision of the person whose already achieved their goals.
By doing this, you'll create a solid foundation for continued growth and prosperity.
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