Back to Reality

Last weekend, I had an amazing time at the Hay House I Can Do It event in Toronto. It was incredible to hear so many of my favourite teachers and to be introduced to new ones that resonated with me.

I cannot explain the feeling and energy of love and belonging that was present throughout that weekend. I had the privilege to share it with some great people and that made the experience even richer for me.

I originally wanted to write about some of the lessons I picked up at this event, but I found another important lesson that I experienced after the event.

That lesson was the importance of maintaining the energy and lessons when we got back to our everyday lives, and applying what we learnt.

It's funny when I corresponded with some of the ladies I went with and one that I met; there was a common theme about how we are now "back to reality". I said the same thing myself during this past week.

When we are in the event setting, there is a sense of empowerment, inspiration, and belief that we are powerful. We can easily see and believe in the inherit tools within us that is able to help us achieve our heart's desire. We are carried with the energy of like-minded people who also believe in the same principals.

The energy and vibration are so high that everything feels possible. The challenge then becomes remembering the lessons, taking action on what we have learnt, and transferring it into our lives. We must also remember to stay connected to our inner guide and choose to "be" love, when dealing with others who do not share in the same beliefs and those living in lower vibrations.

It may be difficult at first, because we no longer have the group energy with us, but we can use the momentum that we had to face whatever is waiting for us and use it to carry us forward.

Living an empowered life takes practice. It is something that you work on every day. It is like a muscle that must be worked or you'll lose it.

I hear it all the time; people will say something like, "Uchechi, I was doing so well. Things were good and I was in the zone and now, it's fizzled. I don't have the motivation and I am stuck in a rut."

Yes, we tend to go there at times, but this is where a consistent spiritual practice comes to play. You must do something daily that connects you back to the spiritual essence that is within all of us.

It does not have to be some grandiose exercise. It could be a 5min or 20 min meditation to start your day, or reading your favourite blog (I personally read The Daily Love ( everyday!).

It could also be sneaking into your children's bedroom first thing in the morning or before you go to bed and watching them sleep, and saying a silent prayer of gratitude for their presence in your life. I don't think there is a more beautiful sight than that!

Even listening to your favourite songs and music that strikes a chord within you (love Whitney Houston and The Beatles Let it be) is a great way to feel connected and raise your vibrations. These are some of my spiritual practice that I try to incorporate into my life daily.

It is through consistent application of all the lessons that we have learnt, whether through seminars, books, on-line courses, etc., that will really help us transform our lives and live in an inspired and empowered state.


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