Here's a different (and lighter) approach to your goals...

We're just a few "eves" away from a brand new year! 

Can you feel it already?

The feeling of newness and possibilities.

Whether or not you set goals for the New Year, you have to admit there’s a sense of renewed and refreshed energy in the air; one that comes with the New Year.

As you enter into this New Year and start to work towards your goals and visions, I invite you to consider the balance of working towards your goals, while detaching from them.

This is something that seems so contradictory and honestly was a bit hard for me to get my head around at first. But in the last few years, it’s become a practise that I’ve looked to.

If you know me well or have worked with me in the past, you know I’m goal oriented

I set goals and map out how to attain them… but I also detach from the outcome.

What this allows me to do is remove the tense and anxious energy that comes between the space of wanting and having.

I work from the place of this or something better.

This doesn't take me off the hook from showing up and being the person I need to be to achieve my goals.

Absolutely not!

What it does is it puts me in a state of peace!

Peace is a beautiful place to be in as you work towards your goals. It nurtures the creation process and opens you up to receive your goals and desires.

Another thing detachment allows for is openness. When you're open, creativity can flow effortlessly through you.

For me, ideas and resources I may not have thought of before, suddenly come into my awareness. It does so because my energy isn't closed off because ‘it HAS to be this way.’

When I detach, I feel more inspired… aka ‘in spirit’. I allow Spirit to lead my work and follow the beautiful guidance that comes. I take action without reservation.

So, as you step into this New Year, dream BIG, and then detach from the outcome and watch the inspiration and miracles flow to you.

Here’s to a beautiful and wonderful New Year filled with so much love, great health, abundance and prosperity!

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